World Malaria Day 2019: Preventive Measures to Beat Malaria

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoans, which affects humans and other animals. The life-threatening disease is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes.  Every year, deadly diseases affect approximately 210 million people. Though malaria cases have seen a decline last year in India, the disease is still a reason for serious concern. Commemorated every year on April 25th, the day aims to give people a chance to promote or learn about the efforts made to prevent malaria. The theme of this Malaria Day is #ZeroMalariaStartswithMe, which aims to draw the attention to continue the need for investing in and committing to the fight against malaria.  So, on this World Malaria Day 2019, we share some important information about the disease to help you stay protected.

World Malaria Day

Symptoms of Malaria

The following signs and symptoms are an indication that a person may be suffering from malaria:

  • Fever,
  • tiredness,
  • vomiting,
  • headaches
  • Muscle pain and fatigue

In severe cases, malaria may lead to yellow skin, seizures, coma, or sometimes death. If malaria is not properly treated, it may return after a few months, however, the symptoms may be mild.

Know More about Malaria

Malaria is an acute febrile illness and the symptoms usually appear 10–15 days after the infective mosquito bites you. The symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. Children suffering from malaria develop symptoms such as severe anemia, respiratory distress or cerebral malaria. There are more than 400 different species of Anopheles mosquito and around 30 are malaria vectors. The species of mosquito, the intensity of the transmission of disease totally depends on the factors such as vector, human host, and environment.

Preventive Measures

If you want to prevent spreading malaria, you need to follow a few steps such as using insecticide-treated mosquito nets and indoor residual spraying. Using a mosquito net will also protect you from the risk malaria. On the other hand, Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) with insecticides is also a powerful way to rapidly reduce malaria transmission. Indoor spraying is a very effective way to protect the population for the entire malaria season.

Make sure there is no stagnant water nearby to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes. You can also use antimalarial medicines to stay protected from malaria. Malaria can be prevented by taking chemoprophylaxis, which can suppress the blood stage of malaria infections.

Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites

There are many other things that you can do in order to stay protected from the bites of mosquitoes and these are mentioned below:


  • Make sure to stay somewhere that has effective air conditioning and screening on doors and windows.
  • Close the doors and windows properly
  • Clean the areas that have stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Try to sleep under an intact mosquito net as this will keep you protected from malaria
  • Use insect repellent on your skin. The most effective repellents are available in sprays, roll-ons, sticks, and creams.

The Bottom Line

Come together this World Malaria Day to fight against the deadly disease and complete the WHO Global Technical Strategy. The strategy is about reducing malaria case by at least 90% by 2030 and even reducing malaria mortality rates by at least 90% by 2030. Moreover, just follow the above mentioned points to ensure that you remain protected from mosquito bites.


A Handy Buying Guide for Pop-Up Toaster

From preparing lunch, getting ready for office to dropping kids to school, there are a hundred things to do before you finally reach office. Deciding what to make for breakfast, which is healthy and filling, on a hectic morning is a tough task. This is where pop-up toasters can help you out. A plateful of crispy toast with honey or a dollop of butter gives a perfect start to your day. However, with a number of toasters available in the market, choosing the right appliance can be a difficult job. To help you out, here’s a buying guide to help you buy the right appliance.

Pop up Toaster Buying Guide

Types of Toasters

When it comes to toasters, you can choose from two and four-slice toaster and toaster ovens. The primary consideration when choosing a toaster is the design, size, and budget. Pop-up toasters are ideal for toasting slices of bread, or bagel. Toasters are also compact in size and easy on your pocket. Here are a few reasons why pop-up toasters score better than toaster ovens.

Ideal for Crispy Toasts

If a plateful of crispy toast is all you need, Pop-up toasters are your best option. The reason is pop-up toasters brown the toasts consistently and evenly as compared to toaster ovens. In addition, a pop-up toaster can toast bread slices in 1-4 minutes as compared to ovens, which take 3-9 minutes.

Saves Time

The time to toast a slice of bread depends on the volume. As a result, faster toaster ovens take twice the time as pop-up toasters. A two-slice toaster comes with all the essential features that can make your mornings less hectic.

Features to Consider

When buying a pop-up toaster, here are some of the important points to consider:

Browning Options

The latest toasters from some of the renowned brands come with different browning modes. Depending on your preference, you can choose the crispiness and color of the toasts. The best part is these toasters provide consistent browning, even if you are toasting multiple batches.

Size of the Slots

The next point is the size of the slots. When you opt for a two-slot toaster, make sure it has deep slots. This makes it easy to toast large slices of bread easily with perfection.

Defrost Option

Thawing cold bread on a busy morning takes up a lot of time. When choosing a toaster, make sure it has a defrost option, which makes it easy to thaw cold bread before toasting.

Cleaning Tray

Cleaning bread crumbs from the surface of the toaster is a difficult task. This is the reason why make sure the toaster comes with a removable tray to easily clean the bread crumbs.

Last Few Words

In addition to checking the points mentioned above, make sure you check the after sales service of the brand that you are choosing. Following the guide mentioned above will help you choose the right product, which is worth the price and meets your specific needs.


Healthy Lunch Box Ideas for Kids

Preparing food that is healthy and tasty at the same time for kids is a difficult task. Unhealthy foods such as pizzas, burgers are a favourite among kids, which makes it all the more difficult to feed healthy food to kids. These unhealthy food items lead to a number of health problems such as childhood obesity, tooth decay, diabetes, and high blood pressure among kids. This is the reason why you need to spend a fair amount of time preparing food that is healthy and tasty. So, in this blog, we discuss some healthy lunch box ideas for kids. Read on.

Healthy Lunch Box Ideas for Kids

Bombay Sandwich

An interesting and tasty lunch option, Bombay sandwich is loaded with a number of veggies. The power-packed lunch option has a mix of potatoes, cucumber, tomatoes, and beetroot. To give some tanginess to the sandwich, add some mint chutney to the sandwich. If feeding veggies to your little one is an issue, Bombay sandwich is a yummy and clever way to include healthy vegetables in their diet. With the help of KENT Sandwich Toaster, you can easily make Bombay sandwiches even on a busy morning.

Vegetable Roll

Another delicious and healthy lunch option for your kids is vegetable roll. A healthy substitute for aloo parathas, vegetable rolls give a twist to Frankie- a popular street food option in India. Many working mothers avoid making vegetable parathas as kneading the dough takes a lot of time. However, with KENT Atta and Bread Maker, you can easily prepare the batter in a hygienic way within minutes. All you need to do is add some roasted vegetables to the parathas and you have a perfect school lunch box.

Besan Chilla

A staple food in India, Besan chilla is a power-packed lunch box option for kids. To give a healthy twist, add some chopped vegetables to besan chilla. The quick and easy to make breakfast also makes a great evening snack for kids. Not just vegetable, there are a lot of other variants that you can try to add a twist to the recipe. You can make oil-free chillas using KENT Chilla and Dosa Maker, which makes it extremely easy to prepare perfectly round chillas.

Scrambled Egg Sandwich

Almost every kid loves eating eggs, which makes scrambled egg sandwich a perfect lunch box option. You can also add tomato, basil, grilled cheese to add a twist to the sandwich. However, make sure you don’t make scrambled eggs in an iron skillet as it alters the color of the eggs. Avoid overcooking the eggs to maintain the taste of the sandwich.

Corn Cutlets

Give a twist to the boring cutlets by adding some corn and vegetables. A perfect recipe for lunch box and also parties, corn cutlets have the right combination of health and taste. If you don’t want to give your kids deep fried snacks for lunch, you can prepare the cutlets using HotAir Fryer.

Last Few Words

A healthy and filling breakfast keeps your little one energetic and active throughout the day. With the right kitchen appliances, making a scrumptious and healthy breakfast will be easy. The recipes mentioned in the blog are loaded with health benefits and can be easily made using KENT’s Smart Chef Appliances. To know more about the smart chef appliances, click here.


World Earth Day- Small Steps we Can Take to Protect our Species

Our world is blessed with millions of beautiful species. However, over the years, rapid industrialization, excessive pollution, and dumping of plastic waste are posing a great threat to these species. Our reckless behavior is one of the reasons why every other day we get disturbing news of aquatic animals choking on plastics. Considering the alarming situation, the theme of this Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd every year, is “Protect our Species”. As we have already done some irreversible damage to Mother Earth, let’s pledge this Earth Day to take some small steps to protect the species and ensure a better future for the generations to come. However, before we delve into the details, let’s read some shocking facts about our global species.

Earth Day 2019

Facts about Global Species

  • The percentage of land creatures has dipped by 40 percent since 1970
  • Approximately 40% of the birds’ species have decreased and 13% are facing extinction
  • Approximately 60% of Earth’s primates are threatened with extinction
  • Approximately a quarter of coral reefs have been damaged beyond repair
  • 75% of the toothed whales are negatively affected as a result of bycatch in fishing
  • A lot of the world’s large cats will be extinct by the next decade

How can we Help to Protect the Species?

So, what can you do to protect these species? Here are a few small steps you can take to protect our species and maintain the ecological balance.

Say no to Plastic

Approximately 30 million plastic waste generated every year is drowning our planet into pollution. The first small step is to avoid using plastics as much as possible. Instead of plastic bags, use jute or paper bags for shopping. In addition, stop using plastic water bottles as these are not only harmful to the environment but also pose a threat to health. Use vacuum bottles or flasks to store water. These are not just hygienic but also maintain the temperature of the liquids. Lastly, instead of buying drinking water, switch to a water purifier, which provides clean, germ-free water on demand.

Conserve Water

Water wastage is another serious concern that is a major reason for the extinction of the species. Some of the places are fast running out of the water, which will have an impact on the entire eco-system. When you use less water, there will be less runoff. This also ensures that wastewater doesn’t end up in the oceans.

Recycle and Reuse

The key to conserving our nature is recycling and reusing. Composting reduces waste going into the landfills and also the amount of space needed to hold the waste. Purchase products that can be reused and recycled. Make sure you store these in separate cans for recycling goods and don’t mix them with one-time use products.

Reduce Energy Wastage

Burning fossil fuels is one of the main reasons for climate change. This is the reason why there has been a quick biodiversity loss. Start conserving energy at home by switching off lights, fans, and other electronic appliances when not in use. If possible, use solar energy whenever possible to reduce the effects of climate change.

The Take-Away

Though the situation is alarming, the rate of extinction can be slowed. Many of the declining or endangered species can be saved if we follow the steps mentioned above. This Earth Day let’s pledge to do our bit to conserve our planet and hope for a better future.


What will Happen if the level of Air Pollution Continues to Increase?

Air pollution is one of the biggest killers all over the world. In fact, air pollution in India killed approximately 1.2 million deaths in 2017. A survey published by Lancet Planetary Health unusually high rates of lower respiratory infections, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, and lung cancer caused one in eight deaths. The situation is so alarming that no Indian state achieves the air quality limits mentioned by WHO. Not just outdoor, the poor condition also affects the indoor air quality, which makes it extremely important to take steps to curb the situation. Read on to find out the dangers of air pollution and the effects of not controlling pollution.

Dangers of Air Pollution

Catastrophic Impact of Air Pollution in the Future

The impact of increasing air pollution is more dangerous than you think. If air pollution is not controlled, by 2030 the air will become so poisonous that it will be necessary to use an oxygen kit to breathe easily. Rising air pollution will also lead to premature aging. Human exposure to air toxins will also increase by a great extent if air pollution is not controlled. The Environmental Protection Agency exposure to pollutants is directly linked to cancer and heart disease. The excessive level of air pollution not just has an impact on human health but also the entire eco-system. The combination of acidic air pollutants and water droplets leads to acid rain, which kills trees and also harms animals.

How will air pollution affect the world?

Air pollution has a world-wide problem, which makes it important to know the possible effects of uncontrolled pollution. Global warming is one of the serious concerns of all the environmentalists. Global warming or greenhouse effect is one of the reasons why the climate is warming up. As predicted by the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),    there will be an increase in the average temperature of 1 degree Celsius by 2025 and 3 degrees Celsius by the end of the 21st Century. In the last few hundred years, greenhouse gases (small amounts of water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone) have increased as a result of rising population and industrialization. The stratospheric ozone layer, which filters out harmful ultraviolet rays increase the risk of skin cancer, eye cataracts, depress the immune system, harm aquatic system and crops.

Can air pollution be controlled?

The level of air pollution has reached such an extent that controlling pollution will be a slow process. This is the reason why you need to take small steps to control air pollution. Taking steps such as carpooling, have car emissions tested, minimizing clutter, limited usage of room fresheners can go a long way in controlling air pollution both indoor and outdoor. Some other ways to control air pollution are:

  • Use energy efficient light bulbs
  • Use energy efficient appliances
  • Choose environment-friendly
  • Keep your cars well-tuned and maintained
  • Turn off lights, computers, and appliances

How can we protect our health from air pollution?

An ‘alarming’ 7 million people around the world die every year as a result of air pollution. Not just outdoor, but also indoor air pollution affects health and well-being. The alarming statistics makes it necessary to take the right steps-both indoor and outdoor to stay safe from pollution. Wearing N95/99 masks, restricting outdoor activities for kids, detoxifying your body can help you stay protected from outdoor pollution. When it comes to indoor air pollution, make sure you install a HEPA air purifier can go a long way in protecting you from the ill-effects of indoor air pollution. KENT provides a range of HEPA air purifiers, which are efficient in removing indoor air pollutants such as PM 2.5, dust particles and carcinogen agents so that you breathe safe. Click here to know more about HEPA air purifiers.


Excellent Reasons to use a Hand Blender

A kitchen appliance that makes your work easy and time-saving is a hand blender. With the right appliance, making your favorite dishes is easier than you think. Gone are the days when people used bulky and heavy blenders to complete their task. A hand blender is a secret appliance that is used in many professional kitchens.  The compact blender is used similar to a spoon to blend different food items. Considering the versatility of the product, KENT has introduced a smart hand blender, which will make your kitchen chores easy. Read on to find the advantages of using a hand blender.

Excellent Reasons to use a hand Blender

Small and Portable

One of the main reasons for using a hand blender is its small and portable design. As most of the kitchens have limited space, many homeowners look for a portable and handy appliance that make their work easy. KENT Hand Blender is portable and easy to store as it doesn’t use a lot of space, even when you are cooking. The hand blender from KENT also comes with a detachable shaft, which makes it easy to store the appliance.

Versatile Appliance

A feature that makes the hand blender unique is its versatility. The hand blenders are not only ideal for blending food items but can also be used to chop food items. Whether you need to puree soup or whip a quick salad dressing, a hand blender is a right appliance for you. The appliance also eases the way you make a lot of dishes such as soups. With just a whirl, With the help of a hand blender, you can easily blend the ingredients to get a smooth mixture.

Silent Operation

Unlike bulky blenders, the hand blenders make less noise. In fact, the immersion blenders are almost silent. The motor of the blender is encased in the handle. When the blender starts, it turns the stainless steel rod present in the wand. As a result, all the sound generated from the motor is in the casing, thereby making the appliance extremely quiet.

Last Few Words

Kitchen chores become less time taking and easy if you have the right appliances. KENT Hand Blender is an ideal product, which makes it easy to complete your tasks in minutes, especially when you are running short of time. The multi-functional appliance makes whips, blends and churns food items with perfection. Click here to find out more about the product.


Why Should We Wash Fruits and Vegetables before Eating?

It is unbelievable that the fruits and vegetables we consume are full of pesticides and chemicals, making it harmful for human health. Pesticides are primarily used for the cultivation of crops and in some cases as residues. But, nowadays fruits and vegetable possess highly unacceptable amount of pesticide in them.

High levels of chemicals and pesticides can be really toxic and can cause real danger to human health by causing damage to the nervous and reproductive systems, birth defects, disruption of the immune system and even cancer.

How to Remove Pesticides from Fruits and Vegetables?

The government is doing their part by spreading awareness to farmers and vendors about the side effects of pesticides. But, everyone needs to be aware and cautious about the health risks that they possess and should take the required preventive measures to minimize any kind of health damage. Here are some useful tips, which can come real handy to remove pesticides and other chemicals from fruits and vegetables:

  • Wash Your Food and Wash it Right

Fruits and Vegetables Should be Washed before Eating

According to Centre for Science and Environment, washing fruits and vegetables with 2% of salt water can help in removing most of the pesticide that appears on the surface of fruits. Also, be more careful before consuming fruits and vegetables like grapes, guava, apple, mangoes, peaches, tomatoes, eggplant or brinjal as they might carry more chemicals and pesticides.

  • Vinegar Soak

Vinegar Soak - Washing Apple before eating

Make a solution with 10% vinegar and 90% water and soak all your fruits and veggies in them and stir them thoroughly. Be careful while washing fruits with thin peel and berries, as the solution can damage their outer skin.

  • Keep your Fruits and Vegetables in Warm Water and Peel

Keeping your food and vegetable in warm water for a short while can help you remove pesticides and chemicals.


Peeling is another way to remove pesticides and chemicals, especially when there is some residue in the

Peeling is another efficient way to remove residue and comes highly recommended, especially when there might be some chemicals on the surface of the fruit.

Best way to wash vegetables and fruits

KENT Vegetable Purifier

Merely fruit and veggie wash cannot remove all the pesticides and residues, which disinfects your fruits and vegetables. We should realize that only washing, peeling, or keeping them in warm water won’t make it germ-free. Fruit and vegetable purifier from KENT is the best and most effective way of washing vegetable and fruits. Kent Ozone Vegetable Purifier is a stylish, innovative and effective appliance, which helps in making your life germ free. It works on ozone technology killing harmful pathogens and microorganisms. This vegetable cleaner from KENT can also clean antibiotics and hormones present in meat, fish and seafood.


Why are Eggs ideal for Muscle Build-up?

Building muscles are not as easy as you think. This is the reason why what you eat is just as important as the type of workout. Many of the gym goers depend on the post-workout shakes, which don’t serve the purpose. Consuming proteins post work out can help you build muscles, especially if you lift weights regularly. Thanks to KENT Instant Egg Boiler, you can easily get hard, medium and soft-boiled eggs within minutes. So, if you have just started working out, the blog is for you. Read on to find out why you need to eat eggs for muscle build-up.


Helps in Protein Synthesis

After a strenuous session of workout, your muscles build protein through the process of protein synthesis. Eating eggs after a workout session provides protein to your body in order to fuel the protein synthesis process. Many people throw away the egg yolk and consume only the egg white after their workout session. However, a study found that eggs yolks contain protein and other nutrients, which are not found in the egg whites. In short, eating eggs yolks boost your body’s protein synthesis.

A Rich Source of Vitamins

Eggs are not only a rich source of proteins but also a number of vitamins. In addition to 6 grams of protein, eggs are also a storehouse of Vitamin A, E, K, B12, riboflavin, and folic acid. The healthy food option also contains essential amino acids, which are needed for muscle recovery and building minerals such as calcium and zinc.

Source of Good Fat

A common myth about eggs is they contain fat, which is harmful to your health. Egg whites contain no fat at all whereas the yolk contains 5 grams of fat. However, the yolk contains only 1.6 grams of saturated fat (bad fat). Bodybuilders looking for muscle build-up need fat in foods, especially at a time when the energy requirement is high. Eggs also contain diary cholesterol, which doesn’t increase the blood cholesterol level.

Last Few Words

Kent Egg-Boiler

You already know that it is important to include proteins in your diet after a workout session. However, instead of drinking shakes after a workout, which may not provide the desired results, you can have a helping of boiled eggs. The shakes that you drink don’t contain a balance of the essential nutrients that you need after a workout session. Loaded with all the essential vitamins and protein, eggs are all you need for muscle build-up.


Corded vs Cordless: Which Vacuum Cleaner is Right for you?

Vacuum cleaners have become a necessity for every home. With time, there have been a lot of changes in the design, technology, and size of the vacuum cleaners. Gone are the days when you had to carry bulk and noisy bagged vacuum cleaners to keep your home dust-free and clean. At present, people prefer using handheld vacuum cleaners for that are easy to use to remove spots, pet hair and any other dirt. However, the competition is between corded and cordless vacuum cleaners. So, in this blog, we discuss the difference between cordless and corded vacuum cleaners and which product will meet your needs.

Vacuum cleaner for home

Suction Power

The most important consideration when choosing a vacuum cleaner is the suction power. Strong suction power helps in removing different types of dust, dirt and pet hair from various areas of your home.

Corded Vacuum Cleaners

Corded vacuum cleaners have a higher suction power as they are plugged into the mains unit. This is the reason why corded vacuum cleaners provide better results, especially if you are cleaning carpets. Corded vacuum cleaners are ideal for cleaning bigger homes, which have a lot of carpets, pets, and kids.

Cordless Vacuum Cleaners

Cordless vacuum cleaners work on batteries, which is the reason why they start losing suction power. However, cordless vacuum cleaners that come with lithium batteries may last longer and also provide consistent suction power. In short, a cordless vacuum cleaner works only till the time the appliance has battery life.


Portability is an important factor that users need to consider when looking for a vacuum cleaner.

Corded Vacuum Cleaners

A corded vacuum cleaner may not be as portable as a cordless one. A portable corded vacuum cleaner comes with a power cord which is approximately 20 feet. However, wrapping the cord of the vacuum cleaner is an issue that many people face. This is the reason why vacuum cleaners from KENT come with an auto-retractor cord, which keeps it safe from damage.

Cordless vacuum cleaners

A cordless vacuum cleaner offers better portability and convenience as you can easily move the appliance. Some of the cordless vacuum cleaners can also be easily converted into handheld cleaners to clean quick spots. This makes cordless vacuum cleaners ideal for pet owners.

Dust Capacity

The dust collection capacity of a vacuum cleaner is also an important factor to consider when looking for a vacuum cleaner.

Corded Vacuum Cleaner

Corded vacuum cleaners have a higher capacity of collecting dust as compared to the cordless one. In addition, the canister doesn’t need to be emptied frequently. This is the reason why corded vacuum cleaners an ideal appliance for people who suffer from allergies.

Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Cordless vacuum cleaners have a small capacity as compared to the corded ones. This is the reason why cordless vacuum cleaners need to be emptied and cleaned more often as compared to the corded ones. Not cleaning the filters or emptying the dust cannister affects the performance of the vacuum cleaners.

The Bottom Line

Whether you need a corded or cordless vacuum cleaner depends on your cleaning needs. The size of your home, the carpet area, and if you have pets or kids, are some of the important points to consider when choosing a vacuum cleaner. If you have a small home, a cordless vacuum cleaner is a right appliance for you. A corded vacuum cleaner is ideal for large homes that need a thorough cleaning.


Hard water and its Effects on your Hair

Dust, UV rays, harsh chemical treatments, and heating elements take a toll on your hair. However, many of us are unaware of the fact that even water can also have a negative impact on your hair. Hard water, which most of the places in India receive, not only affects your skin but also damage your hair. Even if you use the best quality products, if you get hard water at home, your hair quality may not improve. So, in this blog, we discuss the effects of hard water on your hair and how to deal with the problem.

Hard water and its Effects on Hair

What does Hard Water do to your Hair?

When you shampoo your hair, hard water makes it difficult to form lather and rinse your hair. Each hair strand is made up of little scales. However, when you use hard water, the strands of your hair stand up, thereby making your hair dry and tangled. Hard water also makes your hair less pliable, thereby making it difficult to style. Rinsing shampoo from your hair becomes difficult when you have tangled and rough hair. In addition, hard water also causes your hair color to fade faster. The reason is the mineral build-up interferes with the hair color.

Soap is also less effective in hard water as it reacts with excess calcium and magnesium salts. These minerals are not soluble in water and result in the soap film. Using soft water for hair gives a different result as it leaves less insoluble deposits on the hair. This is the reason why you need to wash your hair with soft water.

What’s the Possible Solution?

The only way to maintain your hair health is by using soft water. The traditional methods of making hard water soft doesn’t serve the purpose. This is where KENT Bathroom Water Softener can help you out. The water softener uses a 2-step regeneration process to exchange the ions of calcium and magnesium with sodium to reduce hardness in water. The water softener can be easily attached to your geyser so that you get soft water whenever you need.

Why Install KENT Bathroom Water Softener?

Many people have a doubt when it comes to buying a water softener. To clarify your doubts, we list some of the reasons to install a bathroom water softener.

  • Produces more lather
  • Consumes less detergent
  • Prevents scaling on appliances
  • Increases the life of internal parts of geysers
  • Easy to install and use
  • Non-electric process with a simple two-step generation process
  • No pressure operation and standby mode for a longer life

Last Few Words

One of the main reasons of rough and dry hair is using hard water. With KENT Bathroom Water Softener, you can easily convert hard water into soft and prevent further hair damage. The easy installation and regeneration process make it extremely easy to use the appliance. Click here to find out more about KENT Bathroom Water Softener.
